I'm Walt. And I'm Marie Elena.
This is the collaboration of two kindred spirits; partners in rhyme;
"the best friends we've never met."
All "Across the Lake. Eerily."

Friday, December 17, 2010


                                                                  and still,
                                                                 the way a
                                                                night like this
                                                               should be. All have
                                                            retired, they surely look-
                                                            ed tired and worn. They’ll
                                                           be better in the morning, they
                                                        have earned their rest.   They did
                                                            their best. I’d be resting too, but
                                                                it’s just that I’ve still too much to do.
                                                 There’s   that list; a new quick check for updates,
                                                reprieves from me in a stretch.   A call to the stable,
          assuring                           this latest chapter of the fable goes off without a hitch.
       The        suit                        is pressed. The boots shine next to the white fur, setting
     the    brig       ht                     crimson ablaze; a staple for the Holidays. Am I crazy, or has
      De   cember   co                 me more rapid than eagles? It feels like it to me. Time flies
      wh   en I’m hav ing     fun.        I scan under the tree with a twinkled eye, spying the
   presents displayed. Every          brightly wrapped package becomes the best prize, never
    taking away from the next, at        best joining each box in wonder and richness. But,
   there is one gift that draws my attention. Did I ever mention my total love of Christmas?  It
     is in that spirit that I take up this Gift so incons       picuous, yet so utterly necessary   for
     this day. For in my hands, I hold perfection. At    closer inspection, I am certain. No giftof 
Christmas was ever so right; so accepted. So loved.   Remembering the verse, “…and the
greatest of these, is Love”, my heart swells, a telling    sign that Christmas lives within me.
 This                            Gift      so needed, fills my hands with its girth, and makes my heart
    wor                        thy                through all that it espouses. It houses purity, and sanct-
         ity.                It                       represents love. The Truest of All Love. And so it is
             with      this                   First Gift of Christmas.              I bow my head; a silent
                 prayer                         prepares me for my jour           ney. “God so       loved
              the       wor                      ld that he gave his only            son…”              and
          I ret             urn           The Babe to His manger, the love of Christmas fills me. I raise
       from                     my      knee, coming to stand near the tree. I am Santa Claus, chosen to be an icon of the season. I am humbled to receive “The Gift” I represent Who gives it a reason.          Walking in silence and reverent thought, to a waiting sleigh and a day of love.



  1. Simply astounding!!! Worth every effort you put into it. Beautiful and merry!

  2. Would have been better with a pack of Crayola 64's. Thanks all. I've been on a concrete kick lately. The color was just an adder here Across the Lake. A grand experiment at that.

  3. Oh. Oh my goodness.

    This is beautiful. Thanks so much for this, Walt! This poem portrays so beautifully that, though Santa is indeed a jolly part of Christmas, he is not "the reason for the season."

    You are a poet of words, as well as pictures.

  4. Walt, this is truly amazing. When do we get to see these all in a book?

    '...chosen to be an icon of the season...' - Love this.

    With your gift, you could easily create poems in images that would appeal to children. You should really consider doing a PB book in this form. We need more platforms with which to introduce poetry to our children.

  5. Shauna, I SO agree with you. We DO need more platforms with which to introduce poetry to our children, and I DO want to see his I am Santa collection in a beautifully illustrated book.
